Social Business Forum Milano Day 2

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Social Business Forum Milano: Day 2

@YourService. The business world has flipped and small business can capitalize by Frank Eliason (twitter: @FrankEliason )

Technology and social media tools have made it easier than ever for companies to communicate with consumers. They can listen and join in on conversations, solve problems, get instant feedback about their products and services, and more. So why, then, are most companies not doing this? Instead, it seems as if customer service is at an all time low, and that the few companies who are choosing to focus on their customers are experiencing a great competitive advantage. At Your Service explains the importance of refocusing your business on your customers and your employees, and just how to do it.

  • Explains how to create a culture of empowered employees who understand the value of a great customer experience
  • Advises on the need to communicate that experience to their customers and potential customers
  • Frank Eliason, recognized by BusinessWeek as the 'most famous customer service manager in the US, possibly in the world,' has built a reputation for helping large businesses improve the way they connect with customers and enhance their relationships

Quotes from the Audience:

Bertrand Duperrin ?@bduperrin

social service is not about shutting up the loudest cutsomers !

Paolo Pelloni ?@paolopelloniGautam Ghosh ?@GautamGhosh

RT : you need to change things and fix the approach it's not about social media it's about driving change


Company Experience = Product Experience + Customer Interactions + Employee Experience

Engage or lose! Socialize, mobilize, conversify: engage your employees to improve business performance

Christian Finn (twitter: @cfinn)

First Christian was presenting the flying monkey :-)

Then he outlined the four principals to fix the Intranet:

1. Socalize the Intranet

2. Get Thee to a Single Repository

3. Mobilize the Intranet

4. Conversationalize Your Processes

Quotes from the Audience:

Engaged employees think their work bring out the best of their ideas

I like 's “conversify your processes” A nice related concept to “narrating your work”, part of working out loud.

Organizations are talent markets – socializing your intranet makes this market function better

For profit, productivity, and personal benefit: creating a collaborative culture at Deutsche Bank

John Stepper (twitter:@johnstepper) Driving adoption of collaboration + social media platforms at Deutsche Bank.

John shared some great best practices on how to deploy an enterprise wide community model in a large company. He started with the most important question

What is the commercial value of adding social ?

Then he talked about the success of Community of Practices deployment and outlined some key use cases including the relevant measures to proof the ROI of the investment.


Community of practice -> measure: systematic collection of value stories

Self-service website -> measure: based on representative models

Optimizing asset inventory – > measure: Actual counts

This use case was particular interesting. It is a crowd sourced spending/saving of infrastructure model. User can cancel IT services they don't need (as example Software xx).  5% of the saving goes to social responsibility projects.

The John outlined some best practices on how to address the WIIFM (What's In It For Me) question of the individual users:

– change from hierarchy to graph

– working out loud = observable work + narrating your work

– add social skills to career objectives – example: building a purposeful social network course/training as part of the job development curriculum

And last but not least John gave some important tips on how to get senior management buy-in by establishing management sponsored division level collaboration boards which defines clear uses cases and measures. This divisional use cases are then implemented using a common social platform.

Thanks John – I learned a lot from your presentation!

Quotes from the Audience:

Ana Silva ?@AnaDataGirl

what's in it for individuals at Deutsche Bank? Shapping their reputations in a big org says

Ana Silva ?@AnaDataGirl


Any reason why not? MT is Deutsche B. experience on applying social inside company applicable to Italian people?

Your career is not a ladder, it is a network that opens up opportunities –

Oscar Berg ?@oscarberg

: Institutionalizing collaboration is next – collaboration woven into the fabric of daily work

Ana Silva ?@AnaDataGirl

talking about how Deutsche Bank is using to build purposeful CoP & save money