From Social Media to Social Business

The presentation covers a 3 point strategy and real examples on how to socially enable your applications to make your Business more effective and efficient

Integrate Social into YOUR Business Processes Social ROI – What’s In It For the Business (WIIFB) Social Adoption – What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)


Der Business- Nutzen von Enterprise 2.0

Wie kann ein Unternehmen eine Enterprise-2.0-Strategie erfolgreich implementieren und dabei den direkten Business-Nutzen

messen? Wie können Mitarbeit motiviert werden, aktiv in Communities mitzuarbeiten? Ein Fallbeispiel von Sun Microsystems (Oracle) zeigt, wie mit «Enterprise

Communities» messbare Resultate erzielt werden.

Der Business- Nutzen von Enterprise 2.0

View more documents from Peter […]

Enterprise 2.0 – how to build vibrant communities

I was invited to speak at a partner event from CNLAB and CSI Consulting in Zurich, Switzerland.

The theme of the event was “From Telephony to Communities“.

B. Fahrni, CSI Consulting talked about the transition of the business telephony into an integrated (IP-based) multi-channel strategy (pdf – german)

W. Lampart, CSI Consulting give an excellent […]

Branchenkonferenz Behoerden Wien

Heute hatte ich die Ehre an der Branchenkonferenz in Wien eine Praesentation ueber

“The path to WebNExt” zu geben. Es war ein sehr interessanter Anlass (siehe Programm)

und hier ist die Praesentation.

web2.0 web_n+1 web3.0


The path to WebNext

Last week I had the pleasure to provide a keynote on "The path to WebNext" at the Triple-I conference in Graz,Austria.

I was asked by several attendees to share the presentation and here it is

It was a great conference and I met a lot of interesting people.
